Stefanie P. GlaeserNicholas J. TobiasAunchalee ThanwisaiNarisara ChantratitaHelge B. BodePeter KämpferJustus Liebig University GiessenGoethe-Universität Frankfurt am MainMahidol University2018-12-212019-03-142018-12-212019-03-142017-04-01International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Vol.67, No.4 (2017), 1046-1051146650262-s2.0-85019049436© 2017 IUMS. A lightly yellowish-pigmented, oxidase-negative bacterial strain (PB45.5T) isolated from the Nam Nao district of Phetchabun in central Thailand was investigated to determine its taxonomic position. Cells of the isolate showed a rod shaped appearance. The strain stained Gram-negative. Strain PB45.5Tshared highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with the type strains of Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. akhurstii (99.2 %) and Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. hainanensis (99.1 %) and lower similarities to all other Photorhabdus luminescens subspecies (<98.0 %). Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) based on concatenated partial recA, dnaN, gltX, gyrB and infB gene sequences confirmed the affiliation obtained by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis but showed a clear distinction of PB45.5Tfrom the closest related type strains. Strain PB45.5Tshared only 96.9% sequence similarity (concatenated nucleotide sequences) with P. luminescens subsp. akhurstii FRG04Tand 96.8% with P. luminescens subsp. hainanensis C8404T. The fatty acid profile of the strain consisted of the major fatty acids C14: 0, C16: 0, C17: 0cyclo, C16: 1ω7c and/or iso-C15: 02-OH, and C18: 1ω7c. The MLSA results and the differential biochemical and chemotaxonomic properties showed that strain PB45.5Trepresents a novel P. luminescens subspecies, for which the name Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. namnaonensis subsp. nov. (type strain PB45.5T=LMG 29915T=CCM 8729T) is proposed.Mahidol UniversityAgricultural and Biological SciencesImmunology and MicrobiologyPhotorhabdus luminescens subsp. Namnaonensis subsp. nov., isolated from Heterorhabditis baujardi nematodesNoteSCOPUS10.1099/ijsem.0.001761