Somchai Urapeponสมชาย อุรพีพลPotchaman Sinavaratพจมาน ศรีนวรัตน์Chatcharee Suchatlampongชัชรี สุชาติล้ำพงศ์Mahidol University. Faculty of Dentistry. Department of Prosthodontics2016-01-182016-12-132016-01-182016-12-132015-05Urapepon S, Sinavarat P, Suchatlampong C. Effect of die lubricants on the compressive strength and surface hardness of a die stone. M Dent J. 2015;35(2):111-6.0125-5614 (printed) The aim of this study was to determine the effect of 5 liquids used as die lubricants: microfilm, silicone oil, palm oil, slurry water and water on the compressive strength and surface hardness of a die stone. Materials and methods: Five liquids; microfilm, silicone oil, palm oil, slurry water and water, were applied on the die stone as die lubricants and die stone without lubrication was served as control. Ten specimens of the die stone for each test of compressive strength and surface hardness were prepared. The specimens were stored at room temperature for 24 hours and then soaked in each liquid for 1 minute. The compressive strength test at speed 5 KN/min was preformed. The hardness specimens were indented by Vicker hardness tester with 1 KgF load for 20 sec. Scanning electron microscope was used for study of surface topography and the penetration of the liquids into the bulk of the stone. Results: Silicone oil and palm oil did not affect both compressive strength and surface hardness of the die stone compared with control (p >0.05). While the commercial die lubricant (microfilm®) affected the compressive strength of the die stone compared with control (p<0.05). In contrast, the slurry water and water affected both the compressive strength and surface hardness of the die stone compared with control (p <0.05). There were some oily character left moderately to less on the surface of die stone lubricated with silicone oil, palm oil and microfilm respectively. The specimen treated with distilled water demonstrated the most far liquid penetration into the center of the specimen, followed by the slurry water and microfilm, respectively. On the contrary, silicone oil and palm oil did not show any liquid penetration into the specimen, only wet on the specimen surface. Conclusion: Silicone oil, palm oil did not affect both compressive strength and surface hardness of die stone, while slurry water and water decreased both properties of die stone.engMahidol UniversityCompressive strengthDie lubricantDie stoneSurface hardnessSilicone oilPalm oilSlurry waterOpen Access articleวิทยาสารทันตแพทยศาสตร์มหิดลMahidol Dental JournalEffect of die lubricants on the compressive strength and surface hardness of a die stone.ArticleMahidol University