Wilasrusmee, ChumponSuvikrom, JesadaSuthakorn, JackritLertsithichai, PanuwatSitthiseriprapip, KriskraiProprom, NapaphatKittur, Dilip S.Mahidol University. Faculty of Engineering. Department of Biomedical EngineeringMahidol University. Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital. Department of Radiology2011-03-282011-12-092018-01-242011-03-282011-12-092018-01-242011-03-282008Int J Angiol.Vol. 17, No.3 ( 2008 Autumn), 129–33https://repository.li.mahidol.ac.th/handle/20.500.14594/3371OBJECTIVES: Endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) is a current valid treatment option for patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). The success of EVAR depends on the selection of appropriate patients, which requires detailed knowledge of the patient’s vascular anatomy and preoperative planning. Threedimensional (3D) models of AAA using a rapid prototyping technique were developed to help surgical trainees learn how to plan for EVAR more effectively. METHOD: Four cases of AAA were used as prototypes for the models. Nine questions associated with preoperative planning for EVAR were developed by a group of experts in the field of endovascular surgery. Forty-three postgraduate trainees in general surgery participated in the present study. The participants were randomly assigned into two groups. The ‘intervention’ group was provided with the rapid prototyping AAA models along with 3D computed tomography (CT) corresponding to the cases of the test, while the control group was provided with 3D CTs only. RESULTS: Differences in the scores between the groups were tested using the unpaired t test. The mean test scores were consistently and significantly higher in the 3D CT group with models compared with the 3D CT group without models for all four cases. Age, year of training, sex and previous EVAR experience had no effect on the scores. CONCLUSION: The 3D aortic aneurysm model constructed using the rapid prototype technique may significantly improve the ability of trainees to properly plan for EVAR.engMahidol UniversityCT angiogramPreoperative planningVisual-spatial abilityThree-dimensional aortic aneurysm model and endovascular repair: An educational tool for surgical traineesArticleDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, Mahidol University