Preeya Patichoปรียา ปาติโชWinai Wongsurawatวินัย วงษ์สุรวัฒน์Johri, Lalit M.มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล2014-04-252017-11-102014-04-252017-11-102014-02Strategic Direction. Vol.30, No.2 (2014), 31-33.0258-0543 – This paper identifies challenges the traditional Thai silk industry has faced during its internationalization, and the public and private responses employed to overcome challenges. Design/methodology/approach – In-depth interviews were conducted with major players along the Thai silk value chain to gain insights into the industry's transformation from a domestic, cottage industry into an international fashion producer. Findings – Thai silk has created a niche market for high-end, cultural products, thus successfully sidestepping direct competition from emerging low-cost producers. The main innovative strategies employed include introducing new products, upgrading quality, attracting new customers, and collaboration between actors all along the silk value chain. Originality/value – This study illustrates how a traditional industry can evolve and successfully adapt to changing consumer demands and competitive landscapes in a globalize economy.engMahidol UniversitySilkThailandTraditional industriesValue chain upgradingModernizing tradition – the Thai silkArticleEmerald Group10.1108/SD-09-2013-0062