Trakarn PrapaspongsaLøkke, SørenMahidol University. Faculty of Engineering. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering2017-11-172017-11-172017-11-172012-12Environment and Natural Resources Journal. Vol.10, No.2 (2012), 58-65 order to establish green logistic systems, life cycle assessment (LCA) is an important tool for evaluating and comparing overall environmental impacts from various options. Most LCA studies rely on readily available secondary databases on transport services such as Ecoinvent database and scientific publications. The most widely applied Ecoinvent database on transport services is aggregated with specific transport variables and statistics based on European and Swiss average data. To modify the life cycle inventory (LCI) database with specific variables (e.g. load factors, driving speed, etc.) is very complicated and may not be possible. Such studies are still lacking due to complexity and resource limitations. This study aims to provide a framework for LCI modelling to conduct LCAs of European freight transport with up-to-date LCI data in terms of emissions and transport variables. The framework comprises of a conceptual transport model, important transport variables and data sources for freight transport by road and by rail in Europe. The data collection was carried out by literature studies and interviews with relevant experts. The framework is useful for LCA practitioners, researchers and industries to include specific transport variables and to adequately assess the environmental impacts from transport activities by road and by rail.engMahidol UniversityGreen logisticsLCI modelling frameworkEmission modelEuropean freight transportEnvironment and Natural Resources Journalวารสารสิ่งแวดล้อมและทรัพยากรธรรมชาติFramework for LCI modelling towards green logistic systemsResearch ArticleFaculty of Environment and Resource Studies. Mahidol University