Mitrofanoff procedure incombination with enterocystoplasty for detrusor hyperreflexia with external sphincter dyssynergia: One-year experience of 12 cases
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand. Vol.84, No.7 (2001), 1046-1050
Suggested Citation
Wachira Kochakarn, Verasing Muangman Mitrofanoff procedure incombination with enterocystoplasty for detrusor hyperreflexia with external sphincter dyssynergia: One-year experience of 12 cases. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand. Vol.84, No.7 (2001), 1046-1050. Retrieved from:
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Journal Issue
Mitrofanoff procedure incombination with enterocystoplasty for detrusor hyperreflexia with external sphincter dyssynergia: One-year experience of 12 cases
Twelve patients with the mean age of 35 years who had undergone Mitrofanoff procedure incombination with enterocystoplasty between 1998-1999 were interviewed. All of the patients had suprasacral spinal cord injuries for the mean of 3.5 years from the accident to the operation and failure of medical treatment to suppress hyperreflexic bladder. The vermiform appendix was used to implant as continent stoma in 10 cases and ileal segment was used in 2 cases due to prior appendectomy. The bladder capacity was increased from the mean of 180 ml before the operation to 300 ml intraoperation and 800 ml at 1 year post-operation. Up to 1 year, no immediate and late complication was detected except one case who had orchitis at eleven months post-operation. All of them still have continence and self-intermittent catheterization can easily be performed via con-tinent stoma at the abdominal wall.