Targeting the Cell Stress Response of Plasmodium falciparum to Overcome Artemisinin Resistance

dc.contributor.authorCon Dogovskien_US
dc.contributor.authorStanley C. Xieen_US
dc.contributor.authorGaetan Burgioen_US
dc.contributor.authorJess Bridgforden_US
dc.contributor.authorSachel Moken_US
dc.contributor.authorJames M. McCawen_US
dc.contributor.authorKesinee Chotivanichen_US
dc.contributor.authorShannon Kennyen_US
dc.contributor.authorNina Gnädigen_US
dc.contributor.authorJudith Straimeren_US
dc.contributor.authorZbynek Bozdechen_US
dc.contributor.authorDavid A. Fidocken_US
dc.contributor.authorJulie A. Simpsonen_US
dc.contributor.authorArjen M. Dondorpen_US
dc.contributor.authorSimon Footeen_US
dc.contributor.authorNectarios Klonisen_US
dc.contributor.authorLeann Tilleyen_US
dc.contributor.otherBio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Instituteen_US
dc.contributor.otherAustralian National Universityen_US
dc.contributor.otherMacquarie University, Australian School of Advanced Medicineen_US
dc.contributor.otherNanyang Technological Universityen_US
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Melbourneen_US
dc.contributor.otherRoyal Children's Hospital, Melbourneen_US
dc.contributor.otherMahidol Universityen_US
dc.contributor.otherColumbia University Medical Centeren_US
dc.contributor.otherNuffield Department of Clinical Medicineen_US
dc.description.abstract© 2015 Dogovski et al. Successful control of falciparum malaria depends greatly on treatment with artemisinin combination therapies. Thus, reports that resistance to artemisinins (ARTs) has emerged, and that the prevalence of this resistance is increasing, are alarming. ART resistance has recently been linked to mutations in the K13 propeller protein. We undertook a detailed kinetic analysis of the drug responses of K13 wild-type and mutant isolates of Plasmodium falciparum sourced from a region in Cambodia (Pailin). We demonstrate that ART treatment induces growth retardation and an accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins, indicative of a cellular stress response that engages the ubiquitin/proteasome system. We show that resistant parasites exhibit lower levels of ubiquitinated proteins and delayed onset of cell death, indicating an enhanced cell stress response. We found that the stress response can be targeted by inhibiting the proteasome. Accordingly, clinically used proteasome inhibitors strongly synergize ART activity against both sensitive and resistant parasites, including isogenic lines expressing mutant or wild-type K13. Synergy is also observed against Plasmodium berghei in vivo. We developed a detailed model of parasite responses that enables us to infer, for the first time, in vivo parasite clearance profiles from in vitro assessments of ART sensitivity. We provide evidence that the clinical marker of resistance (delayed parasite clearance) is an indirect measure of drug efficacy because of the persistence of unviable parasites with unchanged morphology in the circulation, and we suggest alternative approaches for the direct measurement of viability. Our model predicts that extending current three-day ART treatment courses to four days, or splitting the doses, will efficiently clear resistant parasite infections. This work provides a rationale for improving the detection of ART resistance in the field and for treatment strategies that can be employed in areas with ART resistance.en_US
dc.identifier.citationPLoS Biology. Vol.13, No.4 (2015)en_US
dc.rightsMahidol Universityen_US
dc.subjectAgricultural and Biological Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectBiochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biologyen_US
dc.subjectImmunology and Microbiologyen_US
dc.titleTargeting the Cell Stress Response of Plasmodium falciparum to Overcome Artemisinin Resistanceen_US

