Publication: Determination of a pyranocoumarin and three carbazole compounds in Clausena excavata by RP-HPLC
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Mahidol University
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Bibliographic Citation
Journal of Chromatographic Science. Vol.48, No.6 (2010), 445-449
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Boonsong Kongkathip, Suriyan Sutthiprabha, Chalobon Yoosook, Yupa Mongkolsook, Ngampong Kongkathip Determination of a pyranocoumarin and three carbazole compounds in Clausena excavata by RP-HPLC. Journal of Chromatographic Science. Vol.48, No.6 (2010), 445-449. doi:10.1093/chromsci/48.6.445 Retrieved from:
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Determination of a pyranocoumarin and three carbazole compounds in Clausena excavata by RP-HPLC
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Clausenidin, O-methylmukonal, 3-formyl-2,7-dimethoxycarbazole, and clauszoline-J, isolated from the rhizomes and roots of Clausena excavata, exhibit anti-HIV-1 activity in a syncytial assay with EC50values of 5.3, 12.0, 29.1, and 34.2 μM, respectively. Due to the highly active anti-HIV-1 property, quantitative analysis of four compounds are investigated. The direct analysis of these four compounds in the crude extracts of the combined rhizomes and roots of Clausena excavata from ten various sources in Thailand by high-performance liquid chromatography is accomplished. Chromatographic separation is achieved on a C18column, and the mobile phase is a mixture of methanol and distilled water in a mode of isocratic or gradient elution detected at 254 nm at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min for clausenidin, at 274 nm at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/min for O-methylmukonal, at 298 nm at a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min for 3-formyl-2,7-dimethoxycarbazole, and at 242 nm at a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min for clauszoline-J. This is the first quantitative analysis of these four anti-HIV-1 compounds from the crude extract without prior isolation and purification steps.