Transcutaneous oxygen tension and ankle-brachial index for predicting limb salvage outcomes in patients treated with drug-eluting stent for below-the-knee critical limb ischemia

dc.contributor.authorNattawut Wongpraparuten_US
dc.contributor.authorParichart Junpaparpen_US
dc.contributor.authorChanean Ruangsetakiten_US
dc.contributor.authorNongnuch Weerapakornen_US
dc.contributor.authorKamin Chinsakchaien_US
dc.contributor.authorNatee Sirinvaravongen_US
dc.contributor.authorDamras Tresukosolen_US
dc.contributor.authorPramook Mutiranguraen_US
dc.contributor.authorRungtiwa Pongakasiraen_US
dc.contributor.otherAlbert Einstein Medical Centeren_US
dc.contributor.otherFaculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract© 2018, Medical Association of Thailand. All rights reserved. Background: Critical limb ischemia [CLI] is a serious cardiovascular condition that causes high morbidity and mortality. CLI can be identified by ankle pressure of less than 50 mmHg, toe pressure of less than 30 mmHg, or transcutaneous oxygen tension [TcPO 2 ] of less than 30 mmHg. Objective: To investigate the efficacy of TcPO 2 and ankle-brachial index [ABI] as predictors of limb salvage outcomes in patients treated with drug-eluting stent [DES] for below-the-knee CLI. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted in patients treated for CLI with below-the-knee [BTK] percutaneous transluminal angioplasty [PTA] with DES placement between January 2007 and June 2015 study period. The primary endpoints were pre-and post-procedural ABI and TcPO 2 . The secondary endpoints were limb salvage rate, time-to-major amputation, and ulcer healing. Results: Seventy-two patients (79 limbs) were included. Of those, 40 were men and 39 were women, and the mean age was 73.8±8.0 years. The median follow-up time was 349 days and the 1-year limb salvage rate was 95%. Complete wound healing at one year was observed in 76% of patients. Overall ABI was significantly improved from 0.70±0.17 to 0.89±0.26 (p<0.001). In isolated below-the-knee DES patients, ABI was significantly improved from 0.74±0.18 to 0.99±0.25 (p = 0.019), and TcPO 2 was significantly improved from 17.50±9.62 to 35.50±11.84 mmHg (p = 0.035). Conclusion: Long-term outcome of DES placement at BTK level was associated with high limb salvage rate and wound healing, as evidenced by increased ABI and TcPO 2 .en_US
dc.identifier.citationJournal of the Medical Association of Thailand. Vol.101, No.5 (2018), 613-620en_US
dc.rightsMahidol Universityen_US
dc.titleTranscutaneous oxygen tension and ankle-brachial index for predicting limb salvage outcomes in patients treated with drug-eluting stent for below-the-knee critical limb ischemiaen_US

