Publication: Getting to know one's role in team through personality-based clustering
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Mahidol University
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Bibliographic Citation
JCSSE 2020 - 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering. (2020), 80-85
Suggested Citation
Jidapa Kraisangka, Wudhichart Sawangphol, Punnawich Rojcharoenpreeda, Chosita Tangchadakorn, Mathas Vechjatuporn, Chanya Limpasitiponm, Panumas Itthisaeng, Sirapat Boonwan Getting to know one's role in team through personality-based clustering. JCSSE 2020 - 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering. (2020), 80-85. doi:10.1109/JCSSE49651.2020.9268401 Retrieved from:
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Getting to know one's role in team through personality-based clustering
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Copyright © JCSSE 2020 - 17th International Joint Conf. on Computer Science and Software Engineering. Matching a person to the right job with the right role has been a challenge for any organizations. In addition to the general criteria from the resume, we can use personality data from the personality test to identify the suitable role of an employee in the team. In this paper, we explore the characteristic of roles in the team through the personality-based clustering. Data from the personality assessment of the 573 anonymous employees were used in the analysis. After the series of experiments, we obtained the optimal model with k-mean algorithm (k = 3). We further verified the clusters with the psychologists to identify the role of each employee in the team characterized by each cluster. As a result, together with the psychologist research team, we identified three main roles in a team, including logicians, supporters, and adapters.