Publication: Selected Didactic works for Keyboards by Johann Sebastian Bach
Issued Date
Resource Type
Mahidol University
Rights Holder(s)
College of Music Mahidol University
Bibliographic Citation
Mahidol Music Journal. Vol, 2 No. 2 (Sep 2019 – Feb 2020), 44-55
Suggested Citation
Onpavee Nitisingkarin, อรปวีณ์ นิติศฤงคาริน Selected Didactic works for Keyboards by Johann Sebastian Bach. Mahidol Music Journal. Vol, 2 No. 2 (Sep 2019 – Feb 2020), 44-55. Retrieved from:
Research Projects
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Journal Issue
Selected Didactic works for Keyboards by Johann Sebastian Bach
Other Contributor(s)
J.S. Bach is known as the great organist and composer in Baroque period. There are
many compositions he composed for a commission, leisure, church, and many more. However,
it could be seen as well that one genre of his composition that lends a huge impact to
musicians in the next generations until today, is the pedagogical work. This document provides
a discussion about selected didactic repertoire by Johann Sebastian Bach. There is a discussion
about J.S. Bach’s pedagogical method which led to the reason why he would write a piece
of music to make a connection between such technical or musical issues and the actual
composed music. The selected repertoire illustrated in this paper are the first, three Clavierbüchlein
for Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, and the other two for Anna Magdalena Bach. The second
selected set are, Aufrichtige Anleitung or two-part and three-part inventions and eventually,
the third selected set is The Well-tempered Clavier. The general information about each works
as well as historical background and significant information regarding to specific pieces such
as sinfonia no. 1, 6, and 11 in the selected set are also provided in this paper. This document
also examined historical line of some musical genre, for example, an emergence of prelude
and fugue as well as the development of this genre from then until these days. This document
will help expanding the understanding of Bach’s didactic works especially in the keyboard
pedagogy area.