Publication: Problems and guidelines for controlling alcoholic beverages
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2697-6285 (Online)
Journal Title
Public Health Policy & Law Journal
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ผลงานนี้เป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของมหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ขอสงวนไว้สำหรับเพื่อการศึกษาเท่านั้น ต้องอ้างอิงแหล่งที่มา ห้ามดัดแปลงเนื้อหา และห้ามนำไปใช้เพื่อการค้า
Rights Holder(s)
Department of Public Health Administration Faculty of public Health Mahidol University
Bibliographic Citation
Public Health Policy & Law Journal. Vol. 10, No. 1 (Jan-Apr 2024), 121-131
Suggested Citation
Chardsumon Prutipinyo Problems and guidelines for controlling alcoholic beverages. Public Health Policy & Law Journal. Vol. 10, No. 1 (Jan-Apr 2024), 121-131. 131. Retrieved from:
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Problems and guidelines for controlling alcoholic beverages
Due to the Alcoholic Beverage Act of 2008, problems arise in enforcing the law. There is a situation where many agencies wish to amend the law. This article aims to present the issue of the effects of drinking alcohol, alcohol control, and guidelines for amending the law that the Ministry of Public Health intends to address through six important points: 1) Definition of alcoholic beverages referring to the Liquor Act of 1950, which was later repealed by the Excise Tax Act, B.E. 2560, may cause problems when the law is amended in the future. 2) There is a committee system for driving the alcohol control implementation process. The committee is responsible for providing policy guidelines, as well as determining various measures to achieve the success of alcohol control, in accordance with various strategic plans. Implementation of the laws at the local level in a concrete manner and having an effective monitoring system. 3) There are problems with the interpretation of the terms "advertising" and "marketing communication" and issues with law enforcement, such as in the case of traditional celebrations, with exceptions for weddings and diplomatic ceremonies only. 4) Funding or sponsoring activities that provide opportunities for corporate image may directly and indirectly stimulate and cultivate a positive corporate image for children and youth, who will become new drinkers. 5) Promoting and supporting the treatment or rehabilitation of alcohol addicts or those with alcohol consumption problems. This is to promote the good health and well-being of the people. 6) Amendment of penalties appropriately for the current situation. For manufacturers and importers of alcoholic beverages, the penalty is twice as much as for individual violators.