Publication: Design and development of system integration for fluoroscopic navigation using surgical-guiding robot
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Mahidol university
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Sakol Nakdhamabhorn, Jackrit Suthakorn (2011). Design and development of system integration for fluoroscopic navigation using surgical-guiding robot. Retrieved from:
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Design and development of system integration for fluoroscopic navigation using surgical-guiding robot
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Fluoroscopic x-ray is an essential tool for orthopedic
surgery, especially, Close Intramedullary Nailing Operation.
Close intramedullary nailing is a very efficiency technique for
treatment the long bone fracture. In this technique, surgeon is
required to insert an intramedullary nail into the medullary
canal to stabilize the fractured bone. The most difficult task for
the surgeon is to identify two screwing holes at the distal
location of the nail. In conventional method, surgeon requires a
lot of fluoroscopic exposures to recover distal interlocking
holes. Therefore, both of surgeon and patient continually
absorb an irradiation that is harmful for their long term
This paper presents a system for fluoroscopic
navigation in close intramedullary nailing. The systems are
integrated with three sub-systems: 1) A recovery of distal
interlocking holes system for locating distal interlocking holes.
2) An optical tracking system for registering an x-ray image
coordinate into the world coordinate. 3) A surgical guiding
robot system for guiding a position and orientation of distal
interlocking holes using robot guidance.