Publication: Comparative study of the management of diabetic versus nondiabetic patients with atherosclerosis obliterans of the lower extremities
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Mahidol University
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Vascular. Vol.16, No.6 (2008), 333-339
Suggested Citation
Pramook Mutirangura, Chanean Ruangsetakit, Chumpol Wongwanit, Nuttawut Sermsathanasawadi, Khamin Chinsakchai Comparative study of the management of diabetic versus nondiabetic patients with atherosclerosis obliterans of the lower extremities. Vascular. Vol.16, No.6 (2008), 333-339. doi:10.2310/6670.2008.00062 Retrieved from:
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Comparative study of the management of diabetic versus nondiabetic patients with atherosclerosis obliterans of the lower extremities
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The aim of this study was to identify the influence of diabetes mellitus on patients with atherosclerosis obliterans (ASO) of the lower extremities. A prospective study was designed to compare differences between ASO patients with and without diabetes mellitus in regard to clinical characteristics and outcomes of management. Two hundred fifty-three consecutive (61.1%) diabetic and 161 (38.9%) nondiabetic patients were included in this study. Crural artery occlusion occurred more frequently in diabetic patients (tibioperoneal segment 26.5% vs 14.3%; p = .003). Diabetic patients had higher comorbidities, such as ischemic heart disease, disabling stroke, and renal failure. Infection requiring urgent surgical intervention was higher in diabetic patients (39.1% vs 24.2%; p = .001). This required primary major amputation in limb-threatening ischemia superimposed with infection (27.6% vs 17.7%; p = .037). The feasibility (67.2% vs 69.8%; p = .651) and success (74.4% vs 79.0%; p = .481) of revascularization between the two groups were comparable. Diabetic patients often needed more distal revascularization for limb salvage (34.4% vs 18.5%; p = .019). The mortality rate after revascularization was higher in diabetic patients (13.3% vs 2.5%; p = .009). Diabetes mellitus per se has no direct impact on limb salvageability in limb-threatening ischemia. The parity of feasibility and success in revascularization between the two groups should encourage attempts at limb salvage revascularization in diabetic patients. © BC Decker Inc. All rights reserved.