Publication: Development of cereal and legume based food products for the elderly
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Mahidol University
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Bibliographic Citation
SpringerPlus. Vol.3, (2014), 451
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Pruet Satusap, Visith Chavasit, Wantanee Kriengsinyos, Kunchit Judprasong Development of cereal and legume based food products for the elderly. SpringerPlus. Vol.3, (2014), 451. Retrieved from:
Research Projects
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Journal Issue
Development of cereal and legume based food products for the elderly
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Diets for elderly must contain nutritious foods, fit their physiological limitations, and match with their food culture.
Cereals and legumes are suggested food choices regardless of their cultures and beliefs. Ready-to-eat products
containing suitable macronutrient patterns from cereals and legumes were developed. Energy distributions from
carbohydrate (60 kcal/100 kcal), protein (15 kcal/100 kcal), and fat (25 kcal/100 kcal), protein quality, and percent
energy from saturated fatty acid and free sugar were criteria for the formulation. Carbohydrate sources were rice
flour, brown rice flour, mung bean starch, which carbohydrate in rice flour was the most digestible on in vitro test.
Protein and fat sources were soybean flour, black sesame seed, and rice bran oil. Three products, i.e., flake snack,
instant beverage, and instant soup were produced by drying basic ingredients as flakes on a double-roller drum
dryer and directly used or dry-mixed with other ingredients. The products (Aw <0.3) had balanced energy distribution,
good quality protein, and energy from saturated fat < 8 kcal/100 kcal and free sugar < 10 kcal/100 kcal. Results from
sensory central location test in 219 elderly subjects indicated that the flake snacks from both carbohydrate sources
were significantly more acceptable than the other two products.