Publication: Long term outcomes of preoperative versus postoperative concurrent chemoradiation for locally advanced rectal cancer: Experience from Ramathibodi medical school in Thailand
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Mahidol University
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Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. Vol.16, No.16 (2015), 7315-7319
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Pichayada Darunikorn, Putipun Puataweepong, Mantana Dhanachai, Somjai Dangprasert, Thiti Swangsilpa, Chomporn Sitathanee, Chuleeporn Jiarpinitnun, Poompis Pattaranutaporn, Keeratikan Boonyawan, Pichai Chansriwong Long term outcomes of preoperative versus postoperative concurrent chemoradiation for locally advanced rectal cancer: Experience from Ramathibodi medical school in Thailand. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. Vol.16, No.16 (2015), 7315-7319. doi:10.7314/APJCP.2015.16.16.7315 Retrieved from:
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Long term outcomes of preoperative versus postoperative concurrent chemoradiation for locally advanced rectal cancer: Experience from Ramathibodi medical school in Thailand
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Objectives: The study analyzed and compared the long term outcome in locally advanced rectal cancer treated with preoperative and postoperative concurrent chemoradiation (CCRT). Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of 105 patients with stage T3-T4 or regional lymph node positive adenocarcinoma of rectum treated with preoperative or postoperative CCRT at Ramathibodi Hospital during 2005 to 2010 was performed. The results of treatment were reported with 5-year overall survival (OS), 5-year locoregional recurrence free survival (LRFS), and toxicity according to preoperative versus postoperative concurrent chemoradiation (CCRT) groups. Results: Among 105 patients, 34 (32%) were treated with preoperative CCRT and 71 (68%) with postoperative CCRT. At the median follow-up time of 50.5 months (range 2-114 months), five-year OS and LRFS of all patients were 87% and 91.6%, respectively. The study found no difference in 5-year OS (81.7% vs 89.2 %) or LRFS (83.4% vs 95.1%) between preoperative versus postoperative CCRT. Seven cases of loco-regional recurrence were diagnosed, 4 (11.8%) after preoperative CCRT and 3 (4.2%) after postoperative CCRT. The recurrent sites were anastomosis in all patients. There was no significant factor associated with outcome after univariate and multivariate testing. Grade 3 or 4 acute and late complications were low in both preoperative and postoperative CCRT groups. Conclusions: Locally advanced rectum cancer patients experience good results with surgery and adjuvant concurrent chemoradiation.