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Publication Open Access King Bhumibol Adulyadej and his royal projects (Editorial)(2016) Doungjai Buntup; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentPublication Open Access Family Care Team (Editorial)(2015) Aroonsri Mongkolchati; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentPublication Open Access Cancer Prevention lifestyle (Editorial)(2016) Jiraporn Chompikul; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentPublication Open Access สุขภาพหนึ่งเดียว (บทบรรณาธิการ)(2559) สมศักดิ์ วงศาวาส; Somsak Wongsawass; มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล. สถาบันพัฒนาสุขภาพอาเซียนPublication Open Access Informed consent process for vulnerable populations: a multifaceted approach (Editorial)(2015) Orapin Laosee; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentPublication Open Access Factors related to preventive behavior regarding HIV/AIDS among university students in Magway Township, Myanmar(2013) Hsu Wai Naing; Jutatip Sillabutra; Boonyong Keiwkarnka; ซู เว หนิง; จุฑาธิป ศีลบุตร; บุญยง เกี่ยวการค้า; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentThis cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out to identify preventive behavior and to examine factors related to preventive behavior among university students regarding HIV/AIDS. Structured questionnaires were distributed to 296 university students in Magway Township, Myanmar. Descriptive statistics were used to describe preventive behavior and independent variables: socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge, perception, influence of the media, personal influences and personal experience. The chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were used to identify factors related to preventive behavior. The results show that 89.5% of the students had good preventive behavior regarding HIV/AIDS. More than 90% of the students had only one sexual partner, used a condom when they had sexual activity and carried condoms when they went out for sexual activity. Over half of the students had a moderate level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS and 51.4% of the students had negative perceptions toward preventive behavior. Most of the students got HIV/AIDS-related knowledge from television/videos, journals, magazine, cartoon booklets and pamphlets. Most students were influenced by health personnel, followed by NGO/INGO personnel, friends and teachers. Multiple logistic regression revealed that only personal allowances and personal experience showed a significant association with preventive behavior, when adjusted with other factors. Even though the preventive behavior of the students was good, some of them still did not understand HIV/ AIDS issues or had misconceptions about such issues. Therefore, health education for the youth about HIV/AIDS and methods for preventing HIV/AIDS should be routinely conducted to improve the students’ knowledge and to provide students with a correct understanding of HIV/AIDS and preventive methods.Publication Open Access Management of aging society in Kobe, Japan(2016) Phetcharee Rupavijetra; Jiraporn Chompikul; Ploypailin Rupavijetra; เพ็ชรี รูปะวิเชตร์1 2 และ3; จิราพร ชมพิกุล; พลอยไพลิน รูปะวิเชตร์; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health Developmentons at all levels have responded to this matter by initializing policies and plans for the management of the elderly society. This research aimed to describe the following issues: (1) long-term care insurance for the elderly and (2) health care services for the elderly. The research was based on the principles of documentary and qualitative research. The data were collected via document research and interviews with the Kobe Municipal officers which was composed of the chief and three staff members of the Elderly and Welfare Section for policies, plans, and management of the aging society in the Kobe Municipality during October- November, 2014. In addition, the data were collected from interviews with twenty elderly Japanese people who participated in Shiawase–no-mura (the Comprehensive Welfare Complex). Content analysis was used to analyze the data. The research findings were as follows: (1) long-term care insurance for the elderly is a policy that provides care for the elderly, and is based on “Welfare Law for the Elderly” which was designed for low income elderly who have no family to care for them. However, the new long-term care insurance departs from past practices with respect to the following: (a) shifting the major responsibility for care giving from family to the state; (b) integrating medical care and social services via unified financing; (c) enhancing consumer choice and competition by allowing free choice of providers; (d) requiring older persons themselves to share the costs via insurance premiums as well as copayments; and (e) expanding local governmentautonomy and management capacity in social policy. (2) As far as health care services for the elderly is concerned, the Japanese government’s initiative, the Welfare Law for the Elderly, has a special system for the elderly, called “Health Service System for the Elderly.” The facility services in special nursing homes and home care aid services are funded by taxes. For, the Kobe Municipal has policies, plans, and management designed for the aging society: the long-term care insurance is that in which Kobe city is equipping itself to manage effectively the trend of increasing numbers of aging people by launching the statement, “keep life and take care” as well as planning for aged people with Alzheimer’s disease and aged people who are isolated. Kobe established the “Shiawase–no-mura”: the Comprehensive Welfare Complex designed for the elderly including the disabled and all the members in the family, and the program called Kobe Senior Citizens’ College or “Silver College,” which provides for the elderly to maintain life-long learning. The curriculum is composed of a general course which provides general education, sports, and health management studies, and the special courses include welfare community, living environment, international exchange, cooperation, and general art. The research finding suggested that long-term care insurance, health care services and colleges for the elderly should be promoted to improve the quality of their life.Publication Open Access Risk factors for underweight children aged 6-24 months in Quang Ngai province, Vietnam(2013) Ho Dae Chien; Jiraporn Chompikui; Santhat Sermsri; เฉียน โฮดัก; จิราพร ชมพิกุล; สันทัด เสริมศรี; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentA cross-sectional study was conducted to examine significant risk factors associated with underweight status among children aged 6-24 months in Quang Ngai province, Vietnam. The study factors included parental socio-demographic factors, maternal knowledge, food provision practices, and maternal and child health care. Multistage stratified sampling was used to select 250 mothers who had children aged from 6 to 24 months. After the mothers consented to participate in this study, they were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Their children were measured for weight and height. The statistics used were the Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. Nearly 31 % of the children were underweight. The Chi-square test indicated the following factors separately significantly influenced the likelihood of children being underweight: parental education, family income, child birth weight, maternal knowledge (regarding food provision and child growth monitoring), frequency of essential food provision, orange juice provision, separation of food for children, amount of food eaten, the number of prenatal checkups, medical checkups before delivery, dation of day sleep, washing mother's hands before preparing food, drinking oral rehydration solution, and having latrines. When adjusted for iodized salts and other factors, children who were fed protein inappropriately. had a 2.18 times greater risk of being underweight than those who were appropriately fed. Appropriate feeding programs focusing on protein and iodized salt provision and raising maternal awareness of maternal and child health care should be implemented, especially for high-risk groups to reduce the prevalence of underweight children.Publication Open Access Factors associated with tobacco use among male adolescents in Magway Township, Myanmar(2013) Htein Linn; Jiraporn Chompikul; Jutatip Sillabutra; Somsak Wongsawass; เทียน ลิน; จิราพร ชมพิกุล; จุฑาธิป ศีลบุตร; สมศักดิ์ วงศาวาสA community based cross-sectional study was carried out in Magway Township, Myanmar to examinefactors influencing tobacco use among male adolescents aged 18-24 years. In March, 2012, 275 male adolescents were recruited in this study and the data were collected by using structured questionnaires. Chi-square tests and multiple logistic regression were used to examine factors associated with tobacco use. The results showed that the prevalence of tobacco use was 49%. Among the users, 94.1% were smokelesstobacco users and 65.4% were smokers and 65.4% were dual users. The median age of the respondents was 20 years and the majority were 18-20 years. Only 1.1% had good knowledge concerning risk of tobacco use. Father education, father smoking habit, presence of friends using tobacco, receiving tobacco advertise-ments from company and media and parental monitoring were significant predictors of tobacco use among male adolescents. Male adolescents who have friends using tobacco were 9 times more likely to use tobacco while adjusting the other factors. The study conducted that tobacco use among male adolescents shows no sign of decreasing. Interventions such as health promotion training for the adolescents together with their friends about the harmful effect of tobacco use should be promoted at the school level. Advertising campaigns against tobacco use are also needed to be strengthened to promote behavioral change within the specific age group and gender.Publication Open Access Factors associated with resilient Thai students of international programs in Bangkok, Thailand(2017) Satoshi Inoura; Prapapun Chucharoen; Bang-on Thepthien; ซาโตชิ อิโนอุระ; ประภาพรรณ จูเจริญ; บังอร เทพเทียน; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentThis cross-sectional study was conducted to identify the percentage of students who had high level of resilience and examine factors associated with resilience among Thai students in international programs in Bangkok and suburb, Thailand. Data collection were conducted among Thai students aged 18 to 24 in three international programs in May 2017. A self-administered questionnaire employed was composed of demographic factors, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) questionnaire. A total of 379 questionnaires were used in data collection and for analysis. Chi-square tests were performed to identify the association between independence variables and resilience and multiple logistic regression was used to determine predictors of resilience. The result showed over half (53%) of respondents were in high level of resilience. The result of Chi-square tests showed that age and peer support were the factors significantly associated with resilience level (p-value<0.01). In logistic regression, age (Adj. OR= 2.53, 95%CI=1.52-4.20) sex (Adj. OR=1.67, 95%CI=1.07-2.61) and peer support (Adj. OR=2.70, 95%CI=1.66-4.41) were significant factors. In con -clusion, an individual who has low resilience could be difficult to deal with adversity or difficulties regardless of ACEs level, and it would be more essential to explore the protective factors that lead to positive adaptation in different contexts. The result also implied that resilience could have been nurtured as the times go by with close peer company in their lives. Especially among youths in the study, male had higher resilience than female. However, there are still unknown complex factors behind resilience and need to continue further investigation for complex factors under the process of their liPublication Open Access Factors associated with quality of life among the elderly in Baglung District, Nepal(2017) Pradeep GC; Sariyamon Tiraphat; Jiraporn Chompikul; ประดีพ จีซี; ศริยามน ติรพัฒน์; จิราพร ชมพิกุล; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentThis community based cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the factors associated with quality of life among the elderly in Baglung district, Nepal. The sample size was 403 elderly selected by multi-stage cluster sampling from Baglung district. The data were collected by face to face interview using structured questionnaires. The outcome variable was the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF), while independent variables included socio-demographic factors and neighbourhood social and environmental factors. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the characteristics of the sample. Chi-square test and multiple logistic regressions were used to determine the association between independent variables and quality of life among the elderly. The finding showed that approximately half of the elderly (51.1%) had high quality of life. Factors associated with the quality of life included age, gender, marital status, religious, family structure, social capital, neighbourhood aesthetic and crime. After adjusting other factors, high quality of life was detected among the elderly who were perceived high neighbourhood social capital (Adj OR = 2.52, 95% CI = 1.48-4.29), perceived high neighbourhood aesthetic (Adj OR = 3.16, 95% CI = 1.91-5.23) and perceived low crime (Adj OR = 3.94, 95% CI = 2.31-6.72) in neighbourhood comparing to their counterparts. From the results of this study, interventions that can promote active aging, such as designing of age-friendly public spaces and pleasant social environments should be considered. Moreover, policy to improve quality of life towards the elderly should be seriously implemented.Publication Open Access A web-based survey on adverse childhood experience, anxiety, depression, sexual behavior affecting methamphetamine use among adolescents in Bangkok, Thailand(2017) Min Htike; Bang-on Thepthein; Prapapun Chucharoen; มิน ไทค์; บังอร เทพเทียน; ประภาพรรณ จูเจริญ; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentThailand is no longer a major source of illicit drugs but it has become a transit point for drug trafficking among countries in Southeast Asia, East Asia and Oceania. Bangkok is Thailand’s major metropolis where socio-economic status is high and, thus, drug dealers are targeting affluent vocational school students. A cross-sectional web-based study on methamphetamine use among vocational school students (n= 755) was conducted by randomly sampling three schools. The study explored adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), anxiety and depression in Bangkok to predict the associated factors of methamphetamine use. The reliability of the survey instruments for assessing anxiety, depression and ACEs, was tested using Cronbach’s alpha and yielded values of 0.9, 0.9 and 0.8 respectively. Chi-square test was used to assess the level of association between the methamphetamine use and each independent variable. Multiple logistic regression was performed to determine the predictors of methamphetamine use. Among 755 adolescent students aged 16-19 years, 55.0% had at least one ACE, 44.9% had been screened as having anxiety, 44.0% seemed to have depression, and 2.4% reported methamphetamine use in the previous year. After adjusting for socio-demographic factors, sexual risk factors, psychological factors, gender (Adj OR=11.70, 95% CI=1.39-98.28), school strictness on drugs (Adj OR=7.49, 95% CI=1.91-29.44), current house (Adj OR=5.54, 95% CI=1.09-28.26), condom-less first sex (Adj OR=7.28, 95% CI=2.48-21.39), depression (Adj OR=9.61, 95% CI=2.50-36.95) and family violence (Adj OR=6.03, 95% CI=1.96-18.59) were associated with methamphetamine use among adolescents. The study indicates that psychological factors, family violence and sexual risk behaviors increase vulnerability for methamphetamine use among adolescents in Bangkok. However, further qualitative research studies are warranted.Publication Open Access Postnatal care service utilization and its determinants in Ramechhap district, Nepal: A community-based cross-sectional study(2017) Roshan Khadka; Seo Ah Hong; Bang-on Thepthien; โรชาลล์ การ์ดา; โซ อะ หงษ์; บังอร เทพเทียน; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentNepal is one of the 10 countries worldwide that have reduced maternal mortality rate during 1990-2013 by 75% due to programs aiming to improve utilization of maternal care services. Nevertheless, the national utilization rate of postnatal care is very low as only half of women uptaking postnatal care services at least one time within 42 days after delivery. Therefore, this study was to identify factors affecting postnatal care utilization in Ramechhap district, Nepal, where is one of the districts with lower postnatal care rate. A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from March to April 2017. A two-stage cluster sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 380 mothers who gave birth in the last 1 year from four village development committees. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were used to determine the predictors of postnatal care uptake. This study showed utilization of postnatal care services at least one time within 42 days after delivery was only 28.4%. Among predisposing factors, mother’s age < 30 (Adj OR=3.35, 95% CI=1.48-7.60), higher husband’s education (Adj OR=3.42, 95% CI=1.53-7.68), husband’s occupation like officers (Adj OR=2.60, 95% CI=1.21–5.98), nuclear family (Adj OR=3.03, 95% CI=1.40-6.56), and higher level of awareness on postnatal complication (Adj OR=7.23, 95% CI=3.33-15.67). Among enabling factors, experience of antenatal care (Adj OR= 4.47, 95% CI=2.12- 9.41), satisfactions to quality of health services (Adj OR=3.01, 95% CI=1.38-6.54), longer spending time for travel and waiting for postnatal care (Adj OR=8.48, 95% CI=3.66-19.68) and among need factors, postpartum depression of mothers (Adj OR=4.13, 95% CI=1.37-12.43) were significantly associated with postnatal care services uptake. Postnatal care service use was relatively low in the district. Raising awareness on postpartum complications and importance of postnatal care service, and strengthening the capacity of health facilities and outreach clinics should be promoted for improving postnatal healthcare service uptake.Publication Open Access Factors associated with mild cognitive impairment among the community-dwelling elderly in the urban area of Kyauk Tan Township, Myanmar(2017) Su Lei Mon; Sariyamon Tiraphat; Isareethika Jayasvasti; ซูเลมน; ศริยามน ติรพัฒน์; อิสรีย์ฐิกา ชัยสวัสดิ์; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health Developmentementia and its related cognitive impairment diseases are one of the main contributors of disability in older people. This study is aimed for screening of the elderly population with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in the urban area of Kyauk Tan Township in Yangon Region, Myanmar and also identifying the important associated factors of MCI in the local context. A cross-sectional study design was conducted in the form of household visit interviews by using the structured questionnaires for 350 elderly in the urban area of Kyauk Tan Township. The prevalence of mild cognitive impairment was 21% with the mean age of 70 years. Using Chi-square test for association, significantly associated factors with MCI included four socio-demographic factors (age, gender, education, and occupation), five life-style factors (alcohol drinking, physical activeness, regular meal, leisure activities and fish intake), one comorbid factor (depression), three family factors (individual income, family income and family support) and all three social factors (social network, social activities, and religiousness). Five factors including age, education level, physical activities, leisure activities and social network size were detected to have significant association with MCI when multiple logistic regressions was performed. Investigation of MCI and associated factors is important for planning the intervention programs effectively for the cognitive functional ability among the elderly.Publication Open Access Prevalence of insufficient fruit and vegetable intake and associated factors in older adults in Thailand(2017) Kanyapak Silarak; Jiraporn Chompikul; Aroonsri Mongkolchati; กัญญาภัค ศิลารักษ์; จิราพร ชมพิกุล; อรุณศรี มงคลชาติ; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentThis cross-sectional study aimed to describe the prevalence of insufficient fruit and vegetable intake (FVI), and examined factors associated with insufficient FVI in adults aged 50 years and older in the communities of Thailand. The data collection was conducted from September 2015 to March 2016. Multi-stage cluster sampling was used to draw a sample of 3,875 in 16 districts from 14 provinces across different regions of Thailand. The variables were collected included socio-demographic factors, lifestyles, anthropometric factors, health status and FVI. An Electronic form was developed for data entering from all study sites. Face to face interview by trained research assistants was used to fill up the electronic form of questionnaire. Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were performed to examine associations between the independent variables and insufficient FVI. From the total number of participants, 97.73% completed questionnaires. The majority (72.9%) were 50 to 69 years old. Overall prevalence of insufficient FVI were 77.4 %, 78.3 % among men and 76.9% among women. In multiple logistic regression, marital status, household monthly income, regions, and tobacco used (Adj OR = 1.36, 95% CI= 1.04-1.78) were significantly associated with insufficient FVI. After adjusting for other factors, older adults who used tobacco were 1.36 times more likely to have insufficient FVI than those who did not. The amount of fruit and vegetable intake by older adults in communities of Thailand were considerably lower than current recommendations (daily intake of at least five servings; 400 g). The results suggested that public education and campaigns on adequate consumption of fruit and vegetable should be promoted to target low household monthly income, north eastern region, and tobacco use. This findings could help health promotion policy implementation to increase FVI among this target group in Thailand.Publication Open Access Determinants of tobacco smoking among presumptive TB patients in Taungoo Township, Myanmar(2017) Kyaw Hsan Tun; Seo Ah Hong; Jiraporn Chompikul; จอ ซาน ตุน; โซ อะ หงษ์; จิราพร ชมพิกุล; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentA hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Taungoo Township, Myanmar to examine prevalence and determinants of current tobacco smokers among presumptive TB patients aged 18 years and above. A total of 400 presumptive TB patients which was drawn by purposive sampling were face-to-face interviewed using a structured questionnaire in April, 2017. The questionnaire had three parts: socio-demographic factors, socio-environmental factors and psycho-social factors based on social cognitive theory. Harmful alcohol drinking and mental distress were measured by using Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) and Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K-10), respectively. Current tobacco smokers, the outcome measure were identified based on questionnaires of Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS). Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were used to examine determinants of tobacco smoking. Prevalence of current tobacco smokers was 54%. In multiple logistic regression, factors significantly associated with tobacco smoking were sex (Adj OR=4.65, 95%CI=2.14-10.12 for men compared to women), education levels (Adj OR=3.89, 95%CI=1.19-12.65 for middle or high school and Adj OR=4.39, 95%CI=1.22-15.77 for primary school or less compared to college or university), income (Adj OR=3.05, 95%CI=1.42-6.54 for middle income compared to low income), marital status (Adj OR=1.97, 95%CI=1.01-3.81 for living without a spouse compared to living with a spouse), harmful alcohol drinking (Adj OR=3.42, 95%CI=1.77-6.60), mental distress (Adj OR=2.97, 95%CI=1.12-7.89), and knowledge about smoking hazards (Adj OR=4.94, 95%CI=2.49-9.76 for middle level, and Adj OR=6.50, 95%CI=2.45-17.24 for low level compared to high level). This study showed one in two presumptive TB patients were current smokers. Current smokers were particularly male, from low socioeconomic status and had poor knowledge, lived alone, drank alcohol, and had mental distress. This could help policy makers to identify people at risk of negative health outcomes of diseases, and promote the tobacco cessation services with integrated alcohol intervention in health facilities as a component of TB program in Myanmar.Publication Open Access Determinants of preventive behaviour against dengue haemorrhagic fever among caregivers of children in Magway Township, Myanmar(2017) Aung Swe Lin; Jiraporn Chompikul; Aroonsri Mongkolchati; อ๋อง ซู ลิน; จิราพร ชมพิกุล; อรุณศรี มงคลชาติ; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentThis cross-sectional study aimed to determine factors associated with preventive behaviour of dengue haemor-rhagic fever (DHF) among caregivers in Magway Township, Myanmar. Multistage cluster sampling was used to draw a sample of 318 caregivers of children aged 1-4 years. A structured questionnaire was used in a face-to-face interview with caregivers at their houses. The data collection was conducted from 21st April 2016 to 30th May 2016. Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were used to examine associations between independent variables and preventive behaviour against dengue haemorrhagic fever among caregivers of children. The results of this study showed that 26.4% of the caregivers were in a good level of preventive behavior against DHF. The household income (Adj OR=2.35, 95% CI=1.04-5.31), knowledge on DHF (Adj OR=12.99, 95% CI=6.65-25.39), perceived susceptibility (Adj OR=3.13, 95% CI=1.39-7.06), perceived barriers (Adj OR=2.70, 95% CI=1.22-5.93) and self-efficacy (Adj OR=5.48, 95% CI=1.47-20.39) were the significant predictors of with DHF preventive behaviour among caregivers. This study indicated that high income, good knowledge, high perceived susceptibility, low perceived barriers and high self-efficacy among caregivers were required to have good preventive behaviour to prevent their children from DHF. Therefore, adequate income generation, health education, and reduction of barriers should be promoted to increase the high level of the DHF preventive behaviour among caregivers of childrenPublication Open Access Determinants of diet pill, powder and liquid use among young adults in private universities in Bangkok, Thailand(2017) Sanchia Clare R. Lu; Bang-on Thepthien; Prapapun Chucharoen; ซานเชียร์ แคล์ ลู; บังอร เทพเทียน; ประภาพรรณ จูเจริญ; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentThe rise in overweight and obesity globally has facilitated the expansion of the weight-loss food, drinks, supplements, and services industry from a niche environment to the main market. Sales in the Thai dietary supplement market have been increasing, and the causes of this trend are unclear as to what drives people to purchase them. Hence, this study explored the determinants of use of Diet Pill, Powder and Liquid (PPLs). A cross-sectional study of 400 young adults was conducted in Bangkok, Thailand. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect the data from students at different grade levels of two private universities in Bangkok during May-July 2016. This study showed that 29.0% had used diet PPLs before and 2.8 % regularly used diet PPLs. Fully 61.7% of users took pills/tablets, while liquid formulations were least popular. The reasons cited for using diet PPLs include fast effect (26.6%), with 11.7% each, citing reliability of the product, friends using and other reasons. Key determinants of the use of diet PPLs are concern about body shape (Adj OR=3.37, 95%CI=1.63-6.99), friends’ use (Adj OR=4.52, 95%CI=2.28-8.96) and celebrity influence (Adj OR=5.25, 95%CI=1.58-17.49). There is a need to monitor the consumption of PPLs in social media, and provide comprehensive information on safe, alternative choices for young adults concerned about their weight.Publication Open Access Factors associated with junk food consumption among urban school students in Kathmandu District of Nepal(2018) Bhanu Poudel; Sariyamon Tiraphat; Seo Ah Hong; ภาณุ โพลเดล; ศริยามน ติรพัฒน์; โซอะ หงษ์; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentPeople’s lifestyle turns toward unhealthy dietary pattern as high availability of junk food products. Although consumption of junk food is one of the problem of non-communicable disease, the research on junk food consumption in Nepal particularly among teenage students has not well documented. The adverse effects of junk food on teenage physical and psychological health are both evident. Therefore, factors associated with junk food consumption among teenage students with grade 6, 7 and 8 in urban schools were investigated in this study. The data collection for this cross-sectional analytical study was conducted during March to April 2018. A sample of 440 students aged 10-18 years with grade 6, 7, and 8 were randomly drawn from 22 selected public and private schools. Students were selected using two-stage cluster random sampling using inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were collected through face-to-face interview with in school premise using structured questionnaire. Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were used to determine the association between independent variables and junk food consumption. The result showed that the 11.8% was at a high level of the junk food consumption and 88.2% was at a low level with the cutoff point of 85th Percentile (P 85). A total 6 variables were significantly associated in Chi-square test. In multiple logistic regression, after adjusting for other factors, 3 variables were significantly associated with junk food consumption: high daily allowance/pocket money of students (Adj OR=2.51, 95% CI=1.36-4.63), high influence to have junk food from parents. (Adj OR=2.69,95% CI=1.46-4.96) and high influence from friends (Adj OR=3.12, 95% CI=1.40-6.93). In conclusion, schools and home environments are major influencing factors for student’s junk food consumption. Therefore, parents and school authority should cooperate to implement health promotion programs and campaigns to reduce of junk food consumption among school-age children.Publication Open Access Patterns of polysubstance use and associated factors among grade 11 students in Bangkok, Thailand(2019) Eunyoung Ham; Bang-on Thepthein; Prapapun Chucharoen; Seo Ah Hong; อิมยอง แฮม; บังอร เทพเทียน; ประภาพรรณ จูเจริญ; โซ อะ หงษ์; Mahidol University. ASEAN Institute for Health DevelopmentPolysubstance use, the use of more than one substance, is a current problem among adolescents. The study assessed the prevalence of polysubstance use and associated factors among grade 11 students in Bangkok, Thailand. A web-based, cross-sectional study was conducted utilizing the secondary datasets of the Bangkok Behaviour Surveillance Survey (BBSS) in 2017, and the data were collected from June to July 2017. The BBSS is conducted every two years. In the process of analysis, 1,755 adolescents were included. Chisquare test and multiple logistic regression were performed to identify the association between independent variables and polysubstance use. The prevalence of use of alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana were 26.2%, 14.4%, and 5.9%, respectively. The polysubstance use during the past 12 months was 14.1%. Among 484 student substance users, more than half reported polysubstance use, and 17.4% have used all three substances. Male students were more likely to use polysubstance than females. Having a close friend who uses substances, persuasion of a close friend, recent grade point average (GPA), socio-economic status (SES), and sexual orientation were significantly associated with polysubstance use. As for psychological factors, anxiety and depression were not associated with polysubstance use. However, having had adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) was associated with polysubstance use. In addition, sexual perception and experience and risky sexual behaviour scores were significantly associated with polysubstance use. The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that having a boy/girlfriend, close friends smoking cigarettes, recent low GPA, sexual perception, sexual experience, and high and moderate SES significantly predicted polysubstance use. Such findings can be used by prevention specialists and health educators to develop and implement alcohol tobacco and marijuana prevention programs and interventions specifically tailored to Thai adolescents.